
AIA Vitality supports and motivates you every step of the way towards achieving your health goals.

Kick-start your wellness journey with AIA Vitality at only S$8 a month. Join us today, and get motivated to live a healthier, longer, better life!

Payment Options

Payment Summary


AIA Vitality Membership

$100/Monthly $3/Yearly

Agent / FSC Code (Optional)

Email ID

I agree! Please read and agree to Terms and conditions & Declaration and Authorisation before submission.
I hereby consent to the update of the email ID for my AIA Vitality account and acknowledge that it will be changed to the email address provided.

Important Notice:

  Click here to find out about the other available payment modes. It may take up to 3 business days to process your payment if you are using other payment modes and your AIA Vitality account will only be activated upon receipt of your payment.